We Party Hard.....
Here's my recipe for a feel good New Years Day, starting with our very exciting New Year's Eve plans.
Go see this movie with the family:
![True Grit](http://o.aolcdn.com/dims-photohub/dims/MOVS/5/185/270/75/http://www.aolcdn.com/mf_movies/1430122_p_m)
Come home and put on these jammies (for the rest of the weekend...not kidding)
![image enlargement](http://www.soma.com/Product_Images/570007667ext1.jpg)
I got a pair of these for Christmas and they are so comfy. Soma is having their
semi-annual sale. Go get some.
Start this new book:
I finally found a video game I can win! We got the kids an XBOX with Kinect for Christmas and it is really really fun and a good workout.
And, even though I'm in no hurry, we'll eventually take down the Christmas decorations This week has been restful and easy and I have loved it. I had a conversation with a client recently and neither of us knew when our kids are suppose to go back to school. That felt good.
Go see this movie with the family:
Come home and put on these jammies (for the rest of the weekend...not kidding)
![image enlargement](http://www.soma.com/Product_Images/570007667ext1.jpg)
I got a pair of these for Christmas and they are so comfy. Soma is having their
semi-annual sale. Go get some.
Start this new book:
I finally found a video game I can win! We got the kids an XBOX with Kinect for Christmas and it is really really fun and a good workout.
And, even though I'm in no hurry, we'll eventually take down the Christmas decorations This week has been restful and easy and I have loved it. I had a conversation with a client recently and neither of us knew when our kids are suppose to go back to school. That felt good.